Are you looking for ways to grow your photography business? Here are 6 daily actions you can take to do just that!

We know it’s tough. There is a ton of competition out there and you are intimidated by all the things you need to do in order to grow your photography business. Here’s your first tip…get ready to work. As much as we’d love to make it big overnight, it simply isn’t going to happen (for 99.99% of us anyway). If you’re ready to take on the challenge, then let’s get started. Here are six daily actions that can help propel your business further.

1. First, set reminders on your phone.

The fact is, if you don’t remind yourself daily of these tasks, you’ll eventually end up right where you started…doing almost nothing. Sometimes a written list staring at us, or an annoying pop-up notification will prompt us to get off the couch and take action.  You can set reminders on your calendar with a specific time, or write out a list of things you want to complete as a checklist, that you do EVERY DAY. The hard truth is, we need to train our brains to get into a routine…just like exercising, or eating right (we can get to those next year). Growing your photography business this way will get it to a place where it has momentum.

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2. Take a photo EVERYDAY…or almost every day.

I know you’re busy. You have a full-time job. Your toddlers are constantly at your feet. You have dinner to cook, or a dog to walk. You can come up with all the excuses in the book. If you’re getting mad reading this, then maybe I’m right. Look, I’m not trying to upset you. I want you to succeed. BUT, there are so many things that we are doing (or not doing) that are causing us to not be as successful as we could. Taking a photo can literally take less than three minutes. Have your camera around the house and ready to switch on at a moment’s notice. Check out this post about taking on a daily photography challenge!

growing your photography business

A few ideas of what to photography on a typical “life day…”

  • Your kids playing (inside or outside).
  • A photo of a pet.
  • Something cool you see on a walk.
  • A quick snap of a book you’re reading.
  • Maybe a nice picture of your dinner!
  • A place around town (like a building, water or something else in your area significant to you).

Taking a photo every day will not only help improve your technical photography skills, it will give you content to post on social media to grow your photography business. Which leads to our next daily action…

3. Post on social media or blog once a day!

grow your photography business

This is something many of us neglect (I know I do)! We aren’t even sure if it’s worth it anymore because of the recent algorithm mystery. BUT, it gets us into a routine, and it gets comfortable talking and showcasing our work. One thing so many people struggle with is confidence. Confidence comes over time, but I promise you one thing, if you’re not progressing both technically and in business, your confidence is going to fall off REALLY fast. And how the heck do we talk pricing with clients if we don’t feel confident in ourselves and our work?

4. Learn something new.

Even if you just spend FIVE minutes a day, learning something new, you will start to grow your photography business. Now, obviously the MORE you invest, the more return you will get. A quick tip is to make a list of something you’re struggling with.  For example, one week can be posing. And during that week, you spending your designated “learning time” reading up on posing and watching videos. By the end of that week (or month) you will most likely feel a LOT better about that given topic.

5. Talk to ONE person about your business.

Is your stomach turning? Yea, I know. I’m a total introvert, so I get it if this topic literally makes you break out in a cold sweat. BUT, it does get easier. This can take many forms. You can chat with a neighbor, a local store owner, or someone at the grocery store in casual conversation (which is a little harder). I wouldn’t recommend hunting for these opportunities necessarily, but if you DO start chatting with someone, it’s a good chance to mention what you love doing. You can also reach out by email or social media. If you see someone is getting married or is newly engaged, had a baby or a child turning one, you can offer your services! Obviously, you don’t want to be “salesy,” but you can write something like…

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“Hey, Anna! Ekkkkk, congrats on your engagement! You guys look so happy! I just wanted to reach out and see if you guys would like to take engagement photos. I’m building my portfolio and I’d love to offer you a complimentary session and three free photos! I’ll provide you with a full gallery, so after the three photos, you only buy what you love. Absolutely no pressure, just wanted to say hi and give you a big virtual hug! What an exciting time! Talk soon, Kelly.”

grow your photography business

6. Reflect and plan.

Taking a few minutes a day to reflect on your business and your “why,” will go a long way. When you can remember WHY you are working towards these goals, it will give you the energy you need to keep pushing forward. Something I recently found REALLY interesting was when someone asked what I wanted in my life.

“Well, that’s obvious, to be happy.”

But WHAT does that mean for you? That’s the big question! When you don’t sit down and really understand the details of what you want, how the HECK are you supposed to get there? What does a successful business look like for you? Is it monetary? Is it to make your own schedule? Or is it to simply give your gift of photography to families? Write down five things you want to achieve in your business in the next year, and how you plan to get there. Break those things down into daily steps for YOU, that you can do easily manage and will propel you towards your goals.

Here are a few other things you can do to move towards success.

  • Write a business plan.
  • Reach out to past clients and offer discounted sessions.
  • Chat with local business owners and see if you can partner for photo shoots. For example, cake shops, kids toy shops, cafes, local restaurants, etc.
  • Offer specials on social media.
  • Volunteer your time for a good cause!
  • Wow your existing clients with a special note or treat.

In conclusion, success will be different for all of us. Planning and defining your goals will set you apart from those who don’t. Just remember that it’s all in your hands! The great part about running your own business is getting to make the rules. What other daily actions do you take to further your business?!

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